Paul Oneill medal 5000 10 years 141 days ago
I only just joined and signed straight into a league with only 3 plyrs (2 rookies 1 pro). In my first race I was lapped by ALL (4) drivers. So I thought I woulkd move to a more populated league and ended up in a league with 13 plyrs in my Rookie division. After some research it turns out there are ZERO active plyrs. So it looks like I will be racing myself tonight. Surely that is not what this game is about?

Andrea Vianello medal 5000 10 years 141 days ago

connor elson medal 5000 10 years 141 days ago

JC Skyfire medal 5000 10 years 141 days ago

E J medal 5000 10 years 134 days ago
Try my league why don't you... loads taking part :)