Archibald Poncenby Smythe medal 5000 3 years 237 days ago
What's the total average time spent on a pit stop? I used to find that a 14/15 second gap would allow me to get out without loosing position but this seems not to be the case anymore.

Connor Cooper medal 5352 Super Mod 3 years 237 days ago
The time lost during a pitstop depends on the track and the length of its pit lane. Tracks with a shorter pit lane have smaller pit times and vice versa.
To find the pit lane time loss, you can either do 24 QRs (1 at each track) or see if one of the managers who have already collected the pit data will be generous give you it.

Skid Solo medal 5259 3 years 237 days ago
Is the info in Gerald’s guide not valid anymore?

Connor Cooper medal 5352 Super Mod 3 years 237 days ago
Since the addition of the 3D viewer, some of the track layouts (and therefore their pit lanes) were changed. This could have meant that the pit times have changed, however, I can't say for certain as I haven't done much data collection for pit lane times myself.