Ok, so my driver won the drivers' championship last season in my league and when I went to check out my driver's profile, it says he has zero championship. I've waited for a few days but it still stays at zero.
Could you link to the Abu Dhabi race from the season you got a championship on the stats and shouldn't have, Chaz? That will help me to investigate what caused that.
Just noticed, I have the same for my driver. Guillame Bonnet won the Drivers Championship two seasons ago in the Pro series, but never got a championship tally added to his bio.
Tjerk Korving 5000 10 years 124 days ago (edited 10 years 124 days ago)
I have the same for my driver Marie Moreau. She won season 53 but also has no championship in her statistics.
Guido La Bici 5642 10 years 124 days ago (edited 10 years 124 days ago)
Just noticed, too...
Grigory Artamova should have 4 Drivers Championship titles, because he has won 2 (1 in Pro and 1 in Elite tier) for my team, and he had won other 2 titles before, for his previous team.
Scorpion Racing has won 3 Team Championships (1 in Rookie, 1 in Pro and 1 in Elite); instead it's assigned 4.
Otherwise, If it should be assigned both Team Championship and Drivers Championship in statistics it should be 6 in total (3 Drivers Championship and 3 Team Championship).
Angelo, i noticed that like an hour after you won the last title, when i was busy checking out your stats ;)
luckily it still shows as 3 constructors champs in the Hall of Fame :D
My driver has won previous championship I was in (http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-result/435028) but he didn't received DC for that (in drivers details - http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=team-driver/55374). It shows that I won DC and TC only in manager's career view (http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=manager-profile/26168#career).
My driver has won previous championship I was in (http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=race-result/435028) but he didn't received DC for that (in drivers details - http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=team-driver/55374). It shows that I won DC and TC only in manager's career view (http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=manager-profile/26168#career).
Same happens to my driver who won the DC in his last Rookie season
Jack, I am having this problem too. Ive won 2 DC's and 2 TC's yet on the stats on the side of my team page it says only 3 championships. Also, my driver has won 2 DC's, yet it only says he has 1 :/ I'd be thankful if you could fix this for me :)