Hello everyone! I am having a problem with making a new calendar for season 4 of the Aarava Reddit Racing League (https://igpmanager.com/app/p=league&id=213779&tab=info). The issues I am having with making a new calendar is that I cannot make a new calendar for season 4. I am playing iGP Manager on my PC on the iGP Manager website and not on the iGP Manager app.
So can someone please say me how I can make a new calendar for season 4 on PC on the iGP Manager website? Or can you only make a new calendar for a new season on the iGP Manager app? Because otherwise I must change the host of the Aarava Reddit Racing League with someone who is playing iGP Manager on the iGP Manager app.
Thank you very much if you want to help me with this problem.
UPDATE 5th of August: The last of the season is on Monday and I am not avaible on Monday and on Sunday I do not have much time to make a new calendar if there is going to be found solution to my problem.