Kieran Cheung medal 5000 10 years 110 days ago
Unity Web Player isnt installed 'apparently'. ive installed it twice and refreshed the page contiously but it isnt working

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 10 years 110 days ago
Make sure when accessing the livery builder page that you use a normal http connection and not a https connection.
The URL should look like so:
NOT like this:
I hope that helps.

Kieran Cheung medal 5000 10 years 110 days ago
its loading but just a white screen now

Tofo Wolf medal 5000 10 years 110 days ago
im having same problem iv installed unity web player iv got a big white box with install unity player.iv just subed on the 50% off :)

Tofo Wolf medal 5000 10 years 110 days ago
keep up the good work i understand u have problems from time to time

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 10 years 110 days ago
Every time someone has reported an issue like this they say it resolves itself, as if there is some broken version cached on their system.
Try loading it in another browser, restarting your PC, clearing your browser cache. One of these may resolve the issue. And of course, make sure you have the latest version of Unity.

Kieran Cheung medal 5000 10 years 110 days ago
Now it says i need to install it again...

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 10 years 109 days ago
Very odd. This is not common.
Could you post a screenshot and let me know the version number of your browser and unity installation?

Kieran Cheung medal 5000 10 years 109 days ago
Google Chrome: 38.0.2125.101 m
Unity: Latest(i reinstalled it twice)
Screenshot: http://imgur.com/wfF9Avr

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 10 years 109 days ago
I'm using Chrome Version 39.0.2171.71 m, although I doubt it will make a difference, perhaps try upgrading Chrome.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 10 years 107 days ago
Hi. I have never been able to use Unity in Chrome. I have installed Unity on my computer, but to resolve the issue in Chrome I used Firefox with Administrator privileges instead. It works for me every time. Please try it!

Kieran Cheung medal 5000 10 years 105 days ago
Hi. I have never been able to use Unity in Chrome. I have installed Unity on my computer, but to resolve the issue in Chrome I used Firefox with Administrator privileges instead. It works for me every time. Please try it!
thanks it works now