cyber demon medal 5000 3 years 219 days ago
Buy paying tokens one should just be able to unlock that livery for future.... paying agian just to change colors is insane.
Kindly look into it :)
I am a new player... and i choose 6 tokens livery.... and as in ither games i thought livery is unlocked and i changed color combination and i lost another 6 token :(

John Doe medal 5000 3 years 219 days ago
I totally agree. I changed my livery 2 weeks ago and I was disappointed when I had this bad surprise.
They are not preventing any DDoS attack because we can edit the default livery whenever we want. It doesn't make sense. If they want, they can limit the livery editor once per 12 hours but if we buy a livery style we should buy it forever.

Emin Zeynali medal 5000 3 years 216 days ago
Will be better to create some kind of virtual garage. Where i can choose the cars, not just liveries. Lot of racing games have same feature