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Subscription Cancellation (auto pay)

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medal 5000
10 years 65 days ago
Is there a way to turn off the subscription auto-pay without killing my current subscription? I want to avoid having a bill sneak up on me when my current sub expires...
I dont actually want to unsubscribe, but I want approval prior to any billing- preferrable no auto bill at all. 
medal 5088
10 years 65 days ago
I am curious to know about this as well. I'm looking at "My subscriptions" and I see "Cancel Subscription" under Payments History.
If clicking that keeps on my current subscription's expiration date but stops future billing, then that's great! And if indeed that is how it functions, it should probably say, "Cancel rebill" or present a note that canceling future subscription does not cancel the one you have already paid for.
medal 5404 CEO & CTO
10 years 65 days ago
medal 5088
10 years 64 days ago
Thanks. You can lock this thread to prevent it from re-surfacing.
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