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Scout staff troubles

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medal 5541
3 years 198 days ago
What did you try to do?
Buy staff member with tokens, a Young promising 5 star CD.
TD went flawless
Scout new talents not succesfull

What happened instead?
Tokens gone, no CD in staff had over 200 tokens, lost a lot in a few minutes.
Scouting new talents, other function made me loose even more

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
Latest update

Can the bug be reproduced?
Did not try again

Additional comments:
Unpleasant surprised ?
medal 4985 Moderator
3 years 198 days ago
Hello Maarten, sorry about the problems. About refresh, hitting the button appeared to do nothing for me as well, but after leaving HQ to home screen and reopen HQ again a new list of staff shows up. Could you check and perhaps try to delete cache if still no new list?
medal 5445 CEO & CTO
3 years 198 days ago
Hello Maarten, sorry about the problems. About refresh, hitting the button appeared to do nothing for me as well, but after leaving HQ to home screen and reopen HQ again a new list of staff shows up. Could you check and perhaps try to delete cache if still no new list?

This sounds like a cache issue. Please try hard refresh (desktop browsers are likely to have issues if you have old tabs open etc.).

Maarten, it may be the same for you. I will return your Tokens but hopefully this was just a misunderstanding due to the cache not being cleared. The scouting is working here.

Please go to Settings > Clear Cache and try that before doing anything again.
medal 5089
3 years 198 days ago
What a shame to ask 3x more coins then the old version
medal 5541
3 years 198 days ago
As I first bought the TD and that was succesfull I do doubt it has something to do with cache. 
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