Stanley Cooper medal 5000 10 years 100 days ago
Hi, the times for the races are still wrong, if you add up the times from each lap and compare the total to that of your race total they will be different. My last race was 1.303 out. Iv mentioned this before but nothing seems to have been done to fix it and no one got back to me about it. There is also a bug with the sponsors when you send a sponsor a request for a part there is no time limit for the acceptance so you send one prior to the race for e.g. engine at 1.5mil and dont touch the email till after the race when you send the same sponsor another request for e.g. front wing at 1.5mil. Once that one comes back you accept both this then puts the same sponsor on both parts after that once you go into the rear wing and sidepods you will be able to select that sponsor for them as it seems to mess it up instead of saying you cant have that sponsor it just lets you. Id image you could just ask all 4 parts at once over a couple of race durations and accept all at once.
Once you have all 4 parts you then only need to renew 1 part which you can renew at 1.5mil instead of less and after the race it puts this new contract on all the parts. Once you have done that it makes the smily face go down by one but you can just comment and it goes back up cause you get that every 5 races and you only have to renew every 17 for contracts. Iv not tried letting them run out so not sure what would happen then.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 10 years 100 days ago
I don't think having one sponsor for the whole car is a bug. There's probably a reason why the relationship suffers from doing that — the sponsor is investing more money into the car than it receives from it.
You bring up a good point with the race time total versus to the person who won the race's lap times. Although I haven't checked my own lap times with how long it took me to finish any races I participated in, I did compare the race time total with two races versus the lap times of whoever won each race. Honestly, this is not a big deal right now, the numbers are not that much off and there are bigger things that need the Staff's attention. Also, consider there may be a hidden 4th digit to the times, e.g. 1:24.458# or 1:51.670X. I imagine a fix for this will be included next year when many new features roll out.

Stanley Cooper medal 5000 10 years 99 days ago
Ye its defo a bug cause once you renew the contracts its only after the race that it does the same contract across the board. Its to do with having no time out on the sponsor acceptance email contracts.
I'd dissagree as iv lost races with .3 of a second where as my last race was 1.3 seconds out so it could mean the difference between winning and losing which to me is the whole point of the game so its the most important thing in the game. Also if the times are out it makes you wonder what else is out and you start losing faith in which parts of the game are acting correctly like when you get a mental pit time. If there was a hidden 4th diget it wouldnt make enough of a difference to affect the numbers this much as the max would be 0.0351 out.