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More tyre wear info in setup

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medal 5117
2 years 252 days ago
i think that adding 1 digit beyond decimal point would be extremely useful for pre-race strategy. right now you have to guess if that 2% is a 1.5, 2, or 2.4, and while it can be done semi accurately based on the other types of tyres, it’s annoying and very unexact.
medal 5000
2 years 251 days ago
A bit to deep for these guys. Unless it can generate income any new ideas just get put in the big round inbox marked 'BIN' 
medal 5148
2 years 250 days ago

A bit to deep for these guys. Unless it can generate income any new ideas just get put in the big round inbox marked Nothing stopping

Nothing stopping you spending a year or two developing your own game and making it absolutely free!
medal 5123
2 years 250 days ago
I'm torn on this.
Too much data given away can take away the managing from a managing game.
medal 5000
2 years 250 days ago
I agree with Mihai. I think the tyre wear data is clear enough to understand, even without decimals
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