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Improvement of mailbox

Are you in favor of the improvement?

66.67% (4)
33.33% (2)
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medal 5000
3 years 146 days ago
Hello everyone,

I like to share my idea with you about the improvement of our mailbox.


Here you see one message of me I send a player of iGP.

It would be awesome to have a bit more real looking messages.

Therefore you could use the "line-break" feature HTML is offering.

For example:

You can archive it by using the "<br>"-tag OR
set every new sentence in a "div"-tag so that "display: block;" will be used.

There are for sure multiple ways (like in CSS to use "white-space" settings), 
but I would really like to have easier messages to read and also from looking.

Cause it dosn't look nice to see such messages in my mailbox or when I send someone one message.

Share me your opinion what you think about that.


Patrick Schwarz
Manager of Westwood Studios
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