Juanito Jones medal 5000 3 years 149 days ago (Last edited by
Juanito Jones 3 years 149 days ago)
Some people use 3D, but this is the minimum percentage. When a major update was promised in the spring, everyone I know was expecting something bigger that would completely change the game. I don't see the point in 3D, IGP is a small browser game, not a racing simulator.
I disagree with you. A lot.
iGP wasn't and isn't a simple game (at least not on the inside).
Up to 5 years ago you couldn't even see the cars on track without a subscription, but now we are not only seeing them, but it's 3D on 8 new tracks! iGP is growing fast and at different fronts, simultaneously! (transfers market; scout systems; game play improvements; stability; drivers and staffs appereaces; etc.; with the ultimate update being 3D itself)
For me it shows their commitment to improve the game as a whole, not only small things like we had in the first updates recorded on the chagelog (which was a lot of stability improvements), but risking it making 2 desktop versions (Windows and Mac), upping their game to match and possibly surpass their competition and still keeping their heads high (actually down for coding ?) with more things still to come.
It's not a small browser game anymore. In fact, I believe there are probably more app users (iOS + Android) because it's easier to see a recommendation on their app store than actually finding iGP's website and downloading a 2GB desktop app ?
My point is: between late 2011 and 2017 (pre-mobile app) the game's growth and development of new stuff was slow, but since 2017 we're seeing it blow our mind with new stuff every few months! It's not easy to keep that pace, specially considering they are still looking back for performance and stability improvements and trying to keep the game as simple as it can be without losing it's essence.
3D might look as a step backwards for us, old player, but it's a big improvement to retain new players... and it has seen plenty of improvements already (Map view, which is better than 2D on mobile; and the minimap inside the viewer). So, I guess you're seeing the game progress at the wrong point of view and hasn't get a grasp of what it can become in the future ?
Last thing for now: iGP has 24 tracks on both 2D and 3D (and they are huge in size (km²)) with the game using just over 1GB of memory for it all while others like Call of Duty has 3GB just for it's main engine code only, so iGP has a huge step over big companies in general on this regard. It's a really nice improvement, isn't? ?