That said, I would like to see a mini-leaderboard below the Push Levels to make things more even between all platforms, specially in fast paced races (2.0x), as corners come one after the other, and changing screens makes a big impact on the phone's performance and also on the players capabilities, as we have to be always changing screens rather than seeing everything in one go like other platforms do, which costs up to 3-4 extra steps in 2 car leagues and a few ms at each change + slightly mismatched Leaderboard and Push Level screens when the leaderboard is set to 5 cars view.
A draft of what would be useful, yet still simple enough to not make a huge impact on performance:

It would also be interesting to see sector bars/circles marking where the cars are/were compared to our own.
Another improvement would be the ability to see up to 5 cars like we do on the leaderboard (maybe for 3s at a time), but it's not as important as the change as a whole ?