Ryan Bissell medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
Hi all!
So I want to know a little more about subscription, but first let me give a little context on what's driven (excuse the pun) me to make this post.
The Magyar F1 league is doing really well and I've got my family and friends involved in playing and we love it. However, there is one Team in the Rookie league which - and fair play to him, I'm not complaining here - is spanking everyone else!
Having done a little syping on his components, looking at his drivers etc etc, it doesn't seem like he's got an overly amazing set-up: his components are only around 45% which is comparable to others in our league, he is running the same typical strategy (in terms of number of pits and tyre compounds etc) and he's a good 3-5 seconds a lap quicker than everyone else!! He's winning races by lapping all other teams, it just is puzzling us as to how he can be so much faster...
Basically, I'm trying to work out how on earth he's doing it? The only thing he has different is that he is subscribed, so I'm wondering if subscribing opens up a list of better tyre/fuel/engine suppliers which are helping him gain such an unprecidented advantage?
Whether this is the case or not, can anyone help with suggestions? It would be nice for the family to give him a little more competition (I shoukd say, I'm actually in the league above, so I'm posting here more on my family's and friend's behalfs)
Aside from this, is there any plan to introduce more tyre/fuel/engine suppliers with better ratings? At current, they all seem average at best. Having a few more expensive but more effective suppliers might be a nice addition.
Thanks for reading :-) Best of luck in the game!

Alex Stabler medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
His drivers seem to be at 99% health whereas some of the others seem to have lower health ratings of around 75% and some much lower. That and perhaps a better car set up could explain the difference. As far as I'm aware there are no benefits from being a subscriber other than the car designer and the 2D race viewer, plus supporting the developers etc. (particulary as I recently subscribed and I'm doing terribly right now).

Uncle Albert medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
I've just looked and if he is on a certain engine, then they have the 3 best suppliers for Tyres / Fuel and engins..
Then I've just looked at your profile.. It only shows your fuel contract... and from that.. That is one of the issues right there..
You need to find the best 3 for an overall season.. Yes you can have some suppliers perfect for 1 track.. but over a season, there is only 1 (Maybe Tifosi) main combo to have..
Other factors like what Alex has said as well..
As for the 2D.. Yes it is a huge advantage.. You could be sat behind a backmarker for several laps at Monaco and have no idea.. With the 2D.. Kers and you have passed..
Don't worry.. I'll still be screaming and screaming until the 2D is for ALL players and iGP have added 1001 new things for subcribers.. :)

Ryan Bissell medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
Thanks for the reply Alex,
I see your points, but I just fail to see how this can account for a car that is so so much faster (literally seconds every lap)? We're all doing our own setups too, so it's not like we're just letting the drivers get on with it...
Like I said, it's not a big problem, I'm just curious to know if there is something I'm missing on the game that is allowing other teams to be so much faster.

Tony Earl medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
Uncle Albert and Alex make good points. Having the right 3 partners for fuel, tyres and engine can play a large part in how competitive you are. Health can also play a huge part, the healthier the driver, the better he performs through the whole race rather than fading part way through due to tiredness. Other factors are driver talent and level, whilst talent is fixed, driver skill levels and overall level will build up. One last point is do you watch your races via the viewer and monitor tyre temps and adjust push to optimise, this to can have a huge impact on your lap times. These are some of the areas to look at, I'm sure there are many more.
Hope you keep playing and find setups etc that work for you

Ryan Bissell medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
Hi all,
Right, in a nutshell, yes to pretty much all of the above, we're all quite into it and really enjoy watching, telling drivers to push/chill etc. We've considered just about every point that's been made, with the exception of driver health.
I would completely understand if it was just this team giving me a good thrashing, but I just can't see how they're so much faster than EVERYONE else? Everyone else in the league can't surely be getting it so wrong to the extent that we're all losing 5 seconds every single lap of the race?
If you also look at the person's league history, they seem to chop and change leagues quite often and I assume this is to aviod promotion so they always stay at Rookie level? Could it simply be that having played the game for a couple of years, they just have everything at their disposal to win the races so comfortably given that they're racing against other teams that are comparative newbies?
As always, thanks for your input :-)

Uncle Albert medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
I would not of let them in my league looking at the history...
Yeah a lot of jumping out of league after big big points.. I wouldn't put it passed them to jump ship on the last few races in your season..
This is also why I keep saying that iGP needs to sort it's self out with rules and take more control of what players do..
They probably have more staff, equipment and so on.. Going back to my post about proper re-sets.. Rookies have zero chance when these people are floating in the game.. They think they are doing nothing wrong.. when they do a lot of damage to the rep.
You could of quite easily got bored and quit without saying anything.. So THANK YOU for posting this info..
Jack.. This is the type of thing I go on about when I talk to you... You NEED to get a grip of things like this and tighten up... Taking away open league and putting an iGP league system would prevent all of these issues and most importantly.. STOPS driving rookies away from the game.

Duncan Cunningham medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
Check out Justin Sutton's videos on how best to go iGP Manager Racing... they are "long form" but just load them up 1 by 1 and enjoy.

Duncan Cunningham medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
i have a different attitude to the iGP racing. It's the racing that is fun not the winning. I find someone I'm close to in performance and I just race with them. I've noticed that some will play and if they can not win all the races or get the championship, they quit turning up. I have done my learning and I managed to find a way to win after learning from all the others. Many racers will share in chat how they go about getting that good. if they don't, someone else will. It's not a easy game to figure out. I've been playing it for almost a year now.. I've done quite well but right now I am not winning any races, the other guys I play with are just better but I still show up and have good battles with the people I measure myself against.
If you run a league that you'd like to keep between you and your friends there is a way to put a password on the league. Have you thought about doing that?

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 10 years 40 days ago
Hello All. I don't mind losing, I'm thoroughly enjoying the game after my son Ryan introduced me to it three weeks ago. It was just a bit dissapointing to find that half way through my first season this new team rocks up and proceeds to dominate... 1st and 2nd in every race he's competed in. At the last race he lapped everyone up to third place. I reckon he's got Adrian Newey heading up his design team and an engine deal with Mercedes LOL.
Like Uncle Albert says, if he follows form he'll bail out before the end of the season which may mean I'll get promoted to Pro League. At this point everyone will beat me but I'll enjoy learning from the more experienced managers.
Briliant game, thank you to the developers.

Dee Oldham medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
The number one thing I do to be fast is I attend the races and manage my tire temperatures. I also have taken the time to get very good drivers and that is only possible with a subscription. I joined Magyar F1 because there were some teams that were more developed than mine and should have provided competition. Since my team was at level 6 it was time to try to promote so your league seemed like a good one for that purpose.
I pulled my team from the last league because I was only there to fill in the population so that promotion would be activated. After more teams joined I pulled out to let teams closer in level compete with each other
In the last race everyone cooked their tires (way overheated is way slow). It is almost impossible to beat a team while their manager is attending if you are not attending.
Also the development of most of the drivers of teams in your league is not the best path for good speed. Concentrate on speed and physical development for better performance. When I get a good driver I spend a little money for rewards points to restore that driver to full health. That makes a huge difference in performance.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 10 years 40 days ago
Hi Dee.
I've attended every race but because I'm using an Android tablet I can only monitor the race positions and lap times. There is no Java on my tablet so I'm unable to take control. I have set both my drivers to race to hold position, are you saying they're still cooking their tyres?
Anyway, thanks for the heads up, with any luck one of us will give you some competition before the season is out.

Dee Oldham medal 5000 10 years 40 days ago
Yes at this time a pc is needed to control your cars. In today's race komehome tires will probably be alright on consistant push if you run mediums. I'm running medium Donelots and will have to alter my push level to keep the tires "in the grey"

I B medal 5160 10 years 40 days ago
Hi Kevin, this shows tyre temps and how everyone is overheating apart from the top and bottom 2 drivers in Malaysia

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 10 years 39 days ago
Thanks IB, but presumably the only way the rest of us are going to cool our tyres is to instruct drivers to slow down / take it easy. Given the fact the best of the rest are at least two seconds a lap off Dee's pace asking them to cool it for a few laps isn't going to result in anyone catching him. Again Dee won the race by a very big margin, that's a first and second in every single race he's started in this league. Nobody can get near him, like everything in life, a couple of years experience goes a long way.
By the way, monumental error on my part, my lead driver was in 5th right up to the last lap when he had to pit because I'd under-fueled the car. What an idiot :-(

Teo Fabulous medal 5000 10 years 39 days ago
Thanks IB, but presumably the only way the rest of us are going to cool our tyres is to instruct drivers to slow down / take it easy. Given the fact the best of the rest are at least two seconds a lap off Dee's pace asking them to cool it for a few laps isn't going to result in anyone catching him. Again Dee won the race by a very big margin, that's a first and second in every single race he's started in this league. Nobody can get near him, like everything in life, a couple of years experience goes a long way.
By the way, monumental error on my part, my lead driver was in 5th right up to the last lap when he had to pit because I'd under-fueled the car. What an idiot :-(
The thing is, Kevin, that the push levels have an ENORMOUS bearing on how your car behaves during the stint. If you push the tires beyond the slightest pink, you're going to start losing lap time exponentially the more red the tire temps get. Similarly, if you let your tires get too cold you lose a lot of speed too.
While it would be nice to think of the push levels as instructions to an actual race driver, you can't think of it that way. Rather, you have to consider the push levels as how YOU are putting wear and tear on the tires.

I B medal 5160 10 years 39 days ago
I think at some point most of us have miscalculated fuel, I always add a litre more than I think I'll need and go by how much fuel I used in the previous season rather then rely on the technical director who tends not to be very accurate.
With some track and tyre combinations the fastest way is actually to have the push setting at the lowest level. It seems wrong but thats the way it works, the push levels are a way to control how much heat your driver is putting into the tyres. Unfortunately the drivers aren't intelligent enough to back off when they smell burning rubber :-)

I B medal 5160 10 years 39 days ago
Subscribers don't have any access to suppliers which aren't available to non-subscribers, nor do they get any sort of built in performance advantage.
I've found Murk/Elves/Donelots are the best combination for me with the strategies I like to run.
Where it is beneficial to have 2d is in knowing exactly when to use kers, especially to keep in the drs zone of the driver in front. It also allows you to see tyre temperatures and kers levels of other players. It's definitely an advantage to have it but it isn't an automatic pay to win.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 10 years 39 days ago
Some excellent advice here for newbies like us. Thanks a lot guys, really appreciated.

Jason Mcrae medal 5000 10 years 39 days ago
The main problem with this game is u have to attend the race and control it that simple. (lol)
take my race for yesterday for example i couldn't watch the race because of work i did quilies and was 1st and 2nd by half a sec but i forgot to put it on the lowest risks so tyres wouldn't over heat.
All was good until lap 3 then i guess my tyres were red hot and i started losing time and dropping down the field. I finished in the end 8th and 10th i was watching on my phone at work and know the problem but couldn't change push lvls on phone. But if i was controlling on a PC i would have come 1st and 2nd.
conclusion is
you have to have the right divers and partners
attend races and control tyres
have the car setup and a good strat.