Sean Riley medal 5000 9 years 355 days ago (edited 9 years 355 days ago)
its possible...
for example the Newbies League was removed
but take the number of the league your looking for, and apply it to the schedule URL...
#tab1 is Rookie, #tab2 is Pro, #tab3 is Elite.
Now I can see all my previous results and race data :)
obviously replace the number for this league, with the league number you want to find your previous results.
I guess your looking for iGP Zenith Championship - 3485
or iGP Champions - 2712
I found these numbers by looking at your career, clicking the league, and you see the number in the URL, even if its been removed.
hope this helps.
PS, I decided to see how far back this works, and was able to see your data from your first ever league back in Dec 2011, :P