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the races do not start anymore

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medal 5000
3 years 114 days ago (Last edited by Roman Vansero 3 years 111 days ago)
Que vouliez-vous faire ?
impossible to access the race live

Que s'est-il finalement passé ?
Nothing... Server Connexion stay at 0%

Est-ce que le problème est survenu quand vous utilisiez le Wifi, l'internet mobile ou les deux ?
No problem with WIFI

Est-ce que le bug s'est produit dans l'application, sur PC ou les deux ?

Quel est le modèle de votre appareil ?
Xiaomi Redmi Note 10S

Quel est le système d'exploitation ?

Quel est le numéro de version de votre système d'exploitation ?
Android 11

Quel est le système d'exploitation de votre PC ?

Dans quel navigateur avez-vous rencontré le problème ?
all browsers (Firefox, chrome, edge)

Que vouliez-vous faire ?
since yesterday

Commentaires supplémentaires :
also impossible to join a quick race, to be an observer of a race.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the app, cleared the cache, restarted my phone several times, nothing changes
medal 5000
3 years 111 days ago

no change, the problem remains
medal 5144 Super Mod
3 years 111 days ago
Sorry  I missed this when you first posted. I will escalate it to the iGP support team.
medal 5000
3 years 111 days ago

Sorry  I missed this when you first posted. I will escalate it to the iGP support team.

Thank's Kevin !
no problem to play on TLD but for other leagues ...;)

medal 4985 Moderator
3 years 111 days ago
Could you check if you see the auction countdown in transfers. In the past that was a sure sign of blocked ports being the issue. A problem quite absent for quite a while, but can't harm to have a look. A bit curious it happens from one day to another, but then we're living in a time of convenient automatic OTA updates, convenient until one messes things up that is.
medal 5000
3 years 111 days ago

Could you check if you see the auction countdown in transfers. In the past that was a sure sign of blocked ports being the issue. A problem quite absent for quite a while, but can't harm to have a look. A bit curious it happens from one day to another, but then we're living in a time of convenient automatic OTA updates, convenient until one messes things up that is.

so I tested and ... I see the count on transfers ??

medal 5000
3 years 109 days ago
for no particular reason the problem seems to have been resolved since today. 
Divine intervention? ?
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