Herbie Rides Again medal 5007 3 years 117 days ago (Last edited by
Herbie Rides Again 3 years 117 days ago)
I understand the reasons behind this suggestion and there is a big hurdle to overcome. Managers join leagues if the race starting time is convenient to them.
If races where staggered so that each tier starts after the lower one has finished then someone joining Rookie at a time convenient to them would probably quit the league by the time they reach Elite since the likelihood is that the starting time would then be inconvenient
A minor inconvenience yes, but if a league is fun to be part of managers will adjust. I feel like the benefits of building camaraderie amount the league far outweighs the inconvenience of a staggered start time of 30-45 min. Managers would interact more, races would be more fun with other managers cheering you on in chat, veteran players could coach newer players after the race.
Just some thoughts… thanks for giving me another view though, cheers ?
This isn’t really a minor inconvenience, it is a suggestion that would have a major impact on the way the game is played. There is a reason why there are so many leagues with different start times in this game. A 30 minute change is significant enough to cause managers to look for a new league and that’s just in 50% 2.0x leagues. The impact on 75% 1.5x or 100%, 2.0x leagues would be much more disruptive.
However, the benefit of suggestions is that they can be debated ?