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Question about fuel

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medal 5000
2 years 316 days ago (Last edited by Maikki Racing 2 years 316 days ago)
I'm refueling the right amount of fuel in the car but it's still not enough until the end .. can anyone say why ??  

Jose trujillo respond to my message good man
medal 5000 Super Mod
2 years 316 days ago
You say...

I'm refueling the right amount of fuel in the car

My response is... If the car is running out of fuel you're clearly not refuelling with the right amount of fuel. How are you calculating the fuel? If you're using the estimate provided by the game there are a couple of things to consider:

  • It is always necessary to run at least one practice lap before setting your strategy so that the game has a value for litres/lap to estimate the correct fuel. If you don't do this the estimate is wildly inaccurate.

  • If you are intending to adjust your FE attribute for the next race either by assigning dp or changing suppliers you should do this BEFORE running your practice otherwise the game will estimate the fuel based on an inaccurate fuel consumption.

  • The practice laps are done at medium PL (PL3). If you are likely to be running most of the race at one of the extremities you will have to adjust for this, if PL1 you'll use less fuel than practice laps suggest and vice versa for PL5.

  • The game is usually conservative in it's estimation. This is generally a good thing because you'll tend to load slightly more fuel than you need. However, it also has a major drawback. For circuits where litres/lap is less than 2, this slight over-fuelling can result in your driver sailing past the pit on the calculated lap thinking he/she can do another lap. Then they run out part way round the extra lap.

  • If you're talking about setting strategy during the game using the estimated laps, my advice is don't do this unless absolutely necessary (maybe weather changes). The reason is that the next stint estimated laps appear to be calculated on your current fuel consumption which can change as you adjust PL. If you are at PL1 and add duel as per the estimate then use higher PL in the next stint you are destined to run out.

I have always found the best way of working out fuel load is using your practice lap data and a calculator/spreadsheet.

I hope this helps.
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