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Fuel economy & Response (Performance)

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medal 5000
9 years 328 days ago
Can anyone tell me what is the maximum rating for Fuel Economy & Response?
I don't see any real difference in fuel loads

Wonder & Beep is 13 response & 13 economy
Tifosi & Elves is 11 response & 11 economy
the odd track there is a difference of 0.1% in fuel.

0.1% less fuel maybe would make a difference to a faster engine the likes of Rednote & Elves it's 12 & 12

Can Wonder not have a 0.4% less fuel to make up for the 4point speed difference under Tifosi?
medal 5000
9 years 328 days ago (edited 9 years 328 days ago)
Point out I have used Subtotal & Wonder fuel load is the same even though the stats are 10 Response & 17 Economy.

What is the cut-off point for making a difference 13?
medal 5000
9 years 328 days ago
Don't all shout at once :D

Come on Ladies & Gentlemen lots of you have been here for years share your wisdom :)

I will only be playing a year come 14th March
medal 5000
9 years 328 days ago
Maybe the reason there is 6 engines to choose from,
is because years ago the Tiers System had locked engines to use?

Rookie tier - Wonder & Cosurwothit
Pro tier - Rednote & Toy motor
Elite tier - Murk & Tifosi

medal 5000
9 years 328 days ago
Point out I have used Subtotal & Wonder fuel load is the same even though the stats are 10 Response & 17 Economy.

What is the cut-off point for making a difference 13?

The numbers you are listing are nothing like what is seen on the engine pages. Murk and Toymotor both have an economy rating of 4. Wonder, Rednote and Cosurworthit have an economy rating of 8 and Tifosi has an economy rating of 7.

If you use one fuel, say Elves, then the economy rating of 8 for the engine will yield 12% less fuel load per stint than Engine with economy rating of 4. The Tifosi at economy of 7 will yeild 10% less fuel load per stint than the eco rating 4 engine.

The fuel economy ratings don't seem to make much difference
medal 5000
9 years 328 days ago

Point out I have used Subtotal & Wonder fuel load is the same even though the stats are 10 Response & 17 Economy.

What is the cut-off point for making a difference 13?

The numbers you are listing are nothing like what is seen on the engine pages. Murk and Toymotor both have an economy rating of 4. Wonder, Rednote and Cosurworthit have an economy rating of 8 and Tifosi has an economy rating of 7.

If you use one fuel, say Elves, then the economy rating of 8 for the engine will yield 12% less fuel load per stint than Engine with economy rating of 4. The Tifosi at economy of 7 will yeild 10% less fuel load per stint than the eco rating 4 engine.

The fuel economy ratings don't seem to make much difference

Numbers I talking about are adding engine and fuel together

Cooling 6
Power 9
Reliability 4
Response 3
Rigidity 8
Fuel economy 7

Performance 8
Economy 4

Response (Performance) 11
Economy 11
medal 5000
9 years 327 days ago
Right so since the economy rating does nothing in the fuel
I'm back to Rednote to get the same Fuel levels as Wonder but with more speed
Then once drivers experience gets to 10 I will go back to Wonder :D
medal 5000
9 years 327 days ago
So are you telling me that the Fuel Economy stat does nothing? SO TIfosi and Seashells is a useless combination?
medal 5000
9 years 327 days ago
So are you telling me that the Fuel Economy stat does nothing? SO TIfosi and Seashells is a useless combination?

It's a fine combination, but you might get more va va voom! using Elves!
Tifosi & beep seems to be most used combo
medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago
So with Elves I won't have to add more fuel (or only a marginal amount) compared to Seashells?
medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago
So with Elves I won't have to add more fuel (or only a marginal amount) compared to Seashells?

correct. But when you switch keep an eye on your milage during the race. It may be 0.1 different from your former races and if you were cutting it close it may require some adjustmnet. 
medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago
I usually add 2 Liters extra in case on my first stint. Thanks for the tip Leslie!
medal 5088
9 years 326 days ago
Scott, your first stint should only hold what your technical director predicts per lap - their prediction, for example, of 4.7 litres per lap would mean that is their highest consumption prediction. Then you should adjust the following stints fuel loads if your driver and car are consuming less fuel per lap.
medal 5088
9 years 326 days ago
Be careful though - when you raise the push level towards the end of a stint, that increases fuel consumption, so it's important to record everything your telemetry tells you.
medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago
I think I may of answered this myself because Tifosi runs 0.1% more Fuel than Wonder on some tracks

Does the economy only count up to 8?
The likes of Murk it is 4 economy, adding Elves would it make it up to 8 economy or no change?
medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago
Sort of throws a spanner in the works about the way I think about things :D

I have always tried to keep Response & Economy evenly matched but it seems like Performance is the only stat that matters in fuel maybe its just for show too :P
medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago
So many tips, Blunion and co. Thanks again. Still a learning process for me.
medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago
Engine and fuel combo matters a lot :D
My tech is a dummy so your tech will likely say 0.2 less than my tech ;)

Rednote & Elves tech said 4.4 per lap in China
Cosurworthit & Elves tech said 4.4 per lap in China
Murk & Elves tech said 4.8 per lap in China
Murk & Subtotal tech said 4.6 per lap in China
Murk & Chavon tech said 4.6 per lap in China
Murk & Seashells tech said 4.7 per lap in China
Murk & Beep tech said 4.8 per lap in China
Wonder & Beep tech said 4.4 per lap in China
Wonder & Subtotal tech said 4.4 per lap in China
Wonder & Seashells tech said 4.3 per lap in China
medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago
Would love to see some Tifosi engine ratings, but I see the difference.
medal 5000
9 years 326 days ago
Would love to see some Tifosi engine ratings, but I see the difference.

will let you know once going to Bahrain Can't make anymore changes unless I open another account :D
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