El MacHiri medal 5079 3 years 92 days ago
I made a mistake while postponing race (misunderstood the process).
We had a Azerbaian race scheduled for 31.12.2021. and i postponed it to 12.01.2022. thinking that only that race will be moved to the end of the calendar. I did not realize that it would move all remaining races too.
Is it possible to undo Postpone process.
Thanx in advance.
I saw Coopers thread about race postponing, but it was to late :)

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 3 years 92 days ago
I will escalate this to the support team in the hope they can help.
But before I do, please can you confirm what date you want the Azerbaijan race to be moved to? Remember the race order will not change so all the races behind Azerbaijan will also be shuffled to later dates.

El MacHiri medal 5079 3 years 92 days ago
Thanx for fast response.
Azerbaijan race can be moved to 03.01.2022.

José Trujillo medal 5342
Community Manager 3 years 92 days ago
The postpone action was undone, now you can modify it as you wish.