Hi everyone
Best way for Attributes to work is the 20 should be the standard for all drivers at the top tier. But after this you have hidden attributes for each one.
Lets say for every Attribute, you add varying attribute rolls to each attribute
For Fast Corners, Slow Corners, Defending and Attacking. Randomly D4, D6, D8 and D10 are assigned to each one and rolled.
For Composure, Focus, Knowledge, and Stamina. Randomly D4, D6, D8 and D10 are assign to each one and rolls.
The results of this random bonus is secret per driver. But What we can see is an expectation in where some drivers excel and would be presented like this to us of a fully trained driver and their true Attributes (which we don't see is represented in brackets)
Fast Corners 20-26 (24)
Slow Corners 20-28 (20)
Defending 20-30 (25)
Attacking 20-24 (24)
Composure 20-30 (28)
Focus 20-24 (22)
Knowledge 20-26 (21)
Stamina 20-28 (27)
Each season, the driver's stats are rerolled using the existing assigned Dice for their stat so it may change to like
Fast Corners 20-26 (26)
Slow Corners 20-28 (22)
Defending 20-30 (24)
Attacking 20-24 (22)
Composure 20-30 (30)
Focus 20-24 (24)
Knowledge 20-26 (22)
Stamina 20-28 (21)
What this system allows is:
The Driver has a variance to other Drivers, two drivers with same Attribute distribution will be rare.
The Driver has the ability to change their driving style in a limited way, keeping true to their true strengths and weaknesses.
The Driver can't be read like a manual, or on box instructions of exact stats available to them, but an estimate which can vary.
The manager cannot plan to have a perfect driver, only have a driver who works well who can be in good form, or bad form.
This one I'm definitely down for. As an alternative, you could make it a modifier than changes seasonally, allowing for differences at the lower levels too, although this could potentially make things more confusing at lower levels
As an aside that doesn't need to be considered, you probably also use this to add the aging system someone mentioned earlier where drivers could at a certain age gain a chance of a decreased dice max coming, although depending on the partner system, this could lead to decreased loyalty to drivers between seasons.
My alternate idea could be driver personalities, even if it's just 2 traits, a positive one and a negative one. It could make great drivers rarer (particularly if different traits have rarities) although I'm not sure how complexities of it might work.