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Tyres & visual at Great Britain 19 (Silverstone)

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medal 5240
3 years 82 days ago (Last edited by David Jimenez 3 years 82 days ago)
What did you try to do?
1) Every car that went out of the pit lane, tried to rejoin the track.
2) Some managers qualified with inter/wet tyres (0.4mm water in the track & going down) expecting to change to dry tyres before the race start.
3) Cupra Racing Drivers were supposed to use dry tyres in Qualy & with Advanced Strategy both sould have put Inters.
4) Alcachofo Formula Team Drivers were supposed to use dry tyres in Qualy, except Andria Arenas who with Advanced Strategy should have put Inters.

What happened instead?
1) Every car jumped from the end of pit lane to the track.
2) Some managers that qualified with inter/wet tyres could change to dry tyres before the race start while others couldn't change & started with inter/wet tyres.
3) Antonio Torres put Inters but George Mansell used Softs in Qualifying.
4) Both Alcachofo Formula Team Drivers qualified with medium tyres but started with their original starting tyre prepared in the strategy.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
I will ask the managers to come & answer this.

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
I will ask the managers to come & answer this.

What operating system is your PC?
I will ask the managers to come & answer this.

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
I will ask the managers to come & answer this.

Can the bug be reproduced?
I'm not sure, I hope it will never happen again.

Additional comments:
According to a previous post ( this could've happened; I strongly suggest to work on this. Here are the links of the GP ( (
medal 5010
3 years 82 days ago
Hi, David!

I may have some explanations for these. I will list them down below:

1. I am assuming you were playing in the old classic 2D version, right?
Currently, that 2D WebGL version of it is very outdated and most tracks were rescaled and slightly adjusted there are some synchronisation issues that can appear. The jump in/out of the pits at various tracks like GB, Belgium, China and others is because of that.
The fix for that is updating to the new version and playing it in the new viewer. The game is much smoother there and it also has a 2D version included as well.

2-3-4. To me these issues are just a misunderstanding of the advanced strategy system.

I’ll attach a picture of it and explain it a bit:

This is what a normal Dry to Inters advanced strategy looks like. The logic behind this is this:
- I would’ve liked to start with SS in dry race, therefore I set SS in basic tactic. (If you do not do that, you will not be able to switch back to this tyre before the start. — The game allows you to switch to Inters, Wets or tyre in basic tactic)
- If the water level is above 0mm I would like to qualify on Inters. (If you don’t set Advanced Strategy at all, the car will qualify on the tyre in basic strategy despite it being wet.)

Now my guess is that the mentioned drivers had all sorts of different strategies + advanced strategies set and this is the reason of the confusion: Some may have had M start without adv. strategy at all, some with and is the reason they could switch back to a dey tyre, some may have had a wet strategy set and couldn’t switch back to dry at all, etc.

I’m not sure how clear I was in my explanation, but I hope this helps. To me this doesn’t feel like a bug. The Advanced Strategy is still quite tricky in mixed conditions and if you do not fully understand it, chances are that you’ll get caught out.

Take care! Feel free to ask for more explanations where I ended up confusing you. :)
medal 5240
3 years 78 days ago
Thank you Mihai TMD for your quick answer. Regarding visual desynchronization it's a pity 2D is not rescaled but I hope it will be fixed in the future. I am not really into 3D in a Management Game, so I'll try to stay in 2D as much as I can.

In the case of Advanced Strategies you explained I understood the mechanism but according to Cupra Racing & Alcachofo Formula Team their Drivers did not followed their strategy, meaning they put it wrong or there was a bug. I am worried about Alcachofo case because he set SS & S as starting tyres for their drivers, he activated Advanced Strategy with the 'S' driver to put Inters at >0mm, & both drivers qualified...on mediums! & then they started the race with SS & Inters...
medal 5010
3 years 78 days ago
There is a 2D-like mode of view inside the 3D app as well. Slightly changed, but very similar. It's worth giving it a shot once and seeing if you can adapt to that one.

Yeah, if he didn't make a mistake or doesn't remember correctly that is weird. Someone will look into it I guess.
medal 4985 Moderator
3 years 78 days ago
Thank you Mihai TMD for your quick answer. Regarding visual desynchronization it's a pity 2D is not rescaled but I hope it will be fixed in the future. I am not really into 3D in a Management Game, so I'll try to stay in 2D as much as I can.

In the case of Advanced Strategies you explained I understood the mechanism but according to Cupra Racing & Alcachofo Formula Team their Drivers did not followed their strategy, meaning they put it wrong or there was a bug. I am worried about Alcachofo case because he set SS & S as starting tyres for their drivers, he activated Advanced Strategy with the 'S' driver to put Inters at >0mm, & both drivers qualified...on mediums! & then they started the race with SS & Inters...

As rain stopped before the start it'd be important to know if it did so in Qualifying, however if unknown it's safe enough to guess it did so for some of the laps. So it's important to know what Alcachofo and Cupra set as the 2nd option in advanced strategy, as that is the tyre supposed to be used in Qualifying in case rain stopped but (still) water on track.

For changing tyre on the grid, as said to have a dry compound available it has to be set as the tyre for stint 1, so the would be starting tyre in a dry race. Also it used to be the case that advanced strategy has to be enabled to have the option to switch tyres at all, but I'm not entirely sure if that's still the case.
medal 5000
3 years 78 days ago
My suggestion for that „Tyre change issue“:

Why not make every tyre available in the grid….
So for not so experienced managers, a change between dry wet or whatever would always be possible.  
medal 5391
3 years 76 days ago

Thank you Mihai TMD for your quick answer. Regarding visual desynchronization it's a pity 2D is not rescaled but I hope it will be fixed in the future. I am not really into 3D in a Management Game, so I'll try to stay in 2D as much as I can.

In the case of Advanced Strategies you explained I understood the mechanism but according to Cupra Racing & Alcachofo Formula Team their Drivers did not followed their strategy, meaning they put it wrong or there was a bug. I am worried about Alcachofo case because he set SS & S as starting tyres for their drivers, he activated Advanced Strategy with the 'S' driver to put Inters at >0mm, & both drivers qualified...on mediums! & then they started the race with SS & Inters...

As rain stopped before the start it'd be important to know if it did so in Qualifying, however if unknown it's safe enough to guess it did so for some of the laps. So it's important to know what Alcachofo and Cupra set as the 2nd option in advanced strategy, as that is the tyre supposed to be used in Qualifying in case rain stopped but (still) water on track.

For changing tyre on the grid, as said to have a dry compound available it has to be set as the tyre for stint 1, so the would be starting tyre in a dry race. Also it used to be the case that advanced strategy has to be enabled to have the option to switch tyres at all, but I'm not entirely sure if that's still the case.

Hi guys !
The rain stopped after the qualy and before the race, then I set in the strategy S-M-S for both drivers and in the advanced strategy I set the Inter if >0mm. I did this configuration in order to do the qualy with I compound (because it was 0.2mm) changing the compounds and before the race (to soft ones). The main problem was that one driver did the qualy with I compound and the other with S compound, this is the "bug" that David is reporting. I used a laptop (Macbook air with Catalina 10.15.3) for the strategy (web version) and a tablet for the race (with the last iOS version). 
medal 5144 Super Mod
3 years 76 days ago
The cars don't all qualify at the same time, it's speeded up timewise but they go out in turn.

AFAIK in the past the devs assured us that weather is locked when the qualifying period starts but I have suspicions this may not be the case.

If the rain stopped part way through qualifying this could explain why one of your cars started on inters (it was still raining when it set the qualifying lap) and the other started on Softs (it had stopped raining). 

I put this forward as a possible solution but I will also escalate this to the devs in case they have a way of digging into the data to confirm why it happened.
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