Full Throttle X medal 5000 3 years 56 days ago
I have noticed that in the last few days a decrease in the amount of Rookies joining my league. My league is new however before anyone informs me that I don’t know what I’m doing, I do. The league shows at the top of the league search as I always have a high number of rookies in the division etc etc and I regularly remove inactive accounts to maintain the flow of new teams, thus why I probably have one of the most active rookie divisions in the game.
I am told this is nothing to do with a problem with the search, and that likely it is due to reduction in any advertising drawing new teams in.
Could you advise whether this is the case, and when the advertising is due to start again.
I fear that if this continues a lot of leagues will suffer, there are already enough ‘ghost’ leagues out there, scanning most of even the more active leagues, their rookie divisions are mostly full of inactive.
My sub question is in relation to windmills, when will I be able to put a lovely hat with a windmill atop my driver?
Thanks in advance ??

John Doe medal 5000 3 years 56 days ago
I am agree with you. I made the same requisit around 2 years ago without solution..
I also suggest that 24 players could be a good number for league with only 1 car and this can be good also for Pro .
I suggested also to reduce the number of team that can be promoted when there are few players.
1 car
32 teams 4 promotions
24 teams 3 promotions
16 teams 2 promotions
8 team 1 promotion
2 cars
16 team 2 promotion
12 team 1 promotion
8 car 1 promotion

Full Throttle X medal 5000 3 years 56 days ago (Last edited by
Full Throttle X 3 years 56 days ago)
I’m not requesting anything, just wondering why the less number of rookies joining.
Think numbers in tiers would be fine if you know what you are doing

Titan Jr medal 5000 3 years 56 days ago
I think it indeed is because of iGP not advertising at the moment, so far the only solution is to make accounts to fill up your league. I recommend filling it up to 28 and once a new member joins, remove an account made by you so that the league will keep showing up for new players

Full Throttle X medal 5000 3 years 56 days ago
Titan I have more than enough teams in rookie, most of them active also just concerned that with less teams joining per day now this might diminish.
More of a question of when will the game be advertised again which only an employee can answer I guess

Wholly Crap medal 5019 3 years 56 days ago
We have just had a holiday period where adults and kids were probably home looking for things to do, now they have gone back to work and school they may have other priorities.
Many people join rookie and play for a few days before forgetting about it, as long as the promotion is active that's all you need to worry about, it's the serious players that will be at the top wanting to get promoted, if you player base falls too low, you can always set up second accounts to allow the serious rookies to get promoted.