Kieran Cheung medal 5000 9 years 346 days ago
i accidentally pressed cancel and i cant get her back. any way of getting it back or do i have to wait 1 race?

Leslie Oldham medal 5000 9 years 346 days ago
Most drivers that you have had for quite awhile are at a level higher than your own. For example you are level 10 but your driver is level 12. That means the search tool will not show you that driver if it is returned to the driver pool. There is no way to get such a driver back as far as I know.

I B medal 5160 9 years 346 days ago
Clicking on team/drivers will allow selection of a previous driver without having to go into search.
I think previous drivers are a special case and not subject to the level restriction. I see you've had quite a turbulent relationship with poor Grace :-) Is it to keep wages down?

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 346 days ago
You will have to wait 1 race to be able to re-sign your former driver again.

Kieran Cheung medal 5000 9 years 345 days ago
it was an accident but still, i wont race today as everyone i have approached said no.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 9 years 345 days ago
That is silly, just auto-sign a driver for one race.