Benjamin Ogieriakhi medal 5000 9 years 345 days ago
Does anyone have an idea of when the practise run times will be returning?

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 343 days ago
Practice lap times are disabled. Don't know why & I have never seen them working.
Must of been an issue with them at one point.
If they where working run one would be lowest Downforce & 100% gearing
then add on 25% Downforce & minus 5% gears for run two
seeing the lap times would help you cheat the system :D

Simon Thornes medal 5000 9 years 343 days ago
It caused an issue with the system, and was disabled.
http://igpmanager.com/play/?url=forum-thread/3876 )
Although there was talk at the time of it being sorted, it has not been re enabled (yet)

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 342 days ago
That could be interesting once it's enabled again.
Would mean setting the car up for the track instead of the driver.
What the driver likes doesn't mean it's the fastest setup :)

Luis Somoza medal 5000 9 years 118 days ago
I know this an old thread, but has this issue been fixed, and idea if/when it may be fixed?

Jamie R medal 5000 9 years 118 days ago
Its meant to be coming back with the new update.