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Changing Tires on the Grid

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medal 5000
9 years 296 days ago
Hi IGP'ers,
I have noticed some managers changing tires on the Grid. On both Wet and Dry races. How do you do this in the 2D viewer?

medal 5404 CEO & CTO
9 years 296 days ago
Hi Anthony, this isn't actually being done in real-time. It's done by the game.

It occurs when for example, you've selected dry tyres for stint 1 but it is raining - then it switches on the grid to the default wet tyre selected in advanced strategy.
medal 5000
9 years 296 days ago
I think Anthony is referring to the message at the top of the viewer that often appears even on dry races when you first see the viewer come up. It says something like "M. Najenskii switches to Soft Tyres" as if that driver had come into the pits. Actually nothing has happened. It is as if the messaging system is self checking and it doesn't mean anything.
medal 5000
9 years 295 days ago
Thanks guys. Thought I was missing out on something.
medal 5000
9 years 293 days ago
Thanks Leslie and Jack, you answered my confusion too.
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