Neil Whitehead medal 5000 3 years 37 days ago
I forgot to renew a driver, I found him in my short-list. He's not with another team yet, but it won't let me buy him back.
Can I buy him back? Or is some rule in place that prevents it?

Connor Cooper medal 5313 Super Mod 3 years 37 days ago
The most common reason for you not being able to hire a driver is if their level is higher than your manager level. This can happpen naturally as a result of training the driver.
If possible, please can you send a link to the driver as this may help to identify further reasons which could explain why you cannot buy them back / help the developers in any necessary investigations that they may open.

Neil Whitehead medal 5000 3 years 37 days ago (Last edited by
Neil Whitehead 3 years 37 days ago)
Thanks, not sure how to do that with the app though. His name in Severin Zlenko.
I'm level 16, driver is level 17 though. Bit annoying if that's the reason, especially if I trained him! My own fault for losing him obviously though lol

Connor Cooper medal 5313 Super Mod 3 years 37 days ago
To get a driver's link, go onto their page (where their attributes, stats and contract information is shown) and press the button which looks like 3 dots connected by 2 lines - like a 2 sided triangle. After this, you should get the option to share their link, or copy it to your device's 'clipboard'.
You're not the only person who's lost drivers or staff due to forgetting to extend their contract - it's happened to me on multiple occasions before.
Once you get to Level 17, you'll be able to re-buy that driver, or alternatively, you can buy a new one on the market/generate one in your 'Young Driver Academy' headquarter.

Neil Whitehead medal 5000 3 years 37 days ago

Neil Whitehead medal 5000 3 years 37 days ago
My league leader tried to buy him but said there was a 'lock' symbol and he couldn't do it - is that part of new system rules or something?

M. Truche medal 5425 Moderator 3 years 37 days ago
Hi Neil,
Since last year and the release of new transfers system, you can buy a free agent outside of an auction only if the driver/staff was already in your team before the update.
Your driver has never been owned by your league leader, so he can’t buy it.