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Race hasn't end

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medal 5000
3 years 27 days ago
Co próbowałeś zrobić?
Managing a team

Co się wtedy stało?
We have a problem with friends in the league. Yesterday the race took place ... and it seems it hasn't ended. I mean, there is nothing we can do since yesterday. Neither to train the players or to improve the cars. Because it still says "Go to Race". When we get back to it, almost all the cars have finished it, except for one that is still kind of on the pitstop.
What should i do? Any idea ?
Thank you and best regards

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Gdzie wystąpił problem, aplikacja, PC czy w obu?

Jakiego modelu urządzenia używasz?
Samsung Galaxy S9

Jaki masz system operacyjny?

Jaki jest numer wersji systemu operacyjnego?

Czy można odtworzyć błąd?
the first time we encountered such a situation

Dodatkowe komentarze:
medal 5073 SUPPORT AGENT
3 years 27 days ago
Hi Marcin,

Reported to the support team. I'll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.

Greeting! :-)
medal 5000
3 years 27 days ago
Thank you and I hope for a positive despair of my cause. greetings
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