Jody Lees medal 5000 2 years 365 days ago
In our great league I managed to get to elite and stay there. I'm improving all the time, but interesting I score better than those around me, yet my reputation is low compared to those on level 20. How is that correct..
It has a scale of 10,000. Based on my performance I think I should be rated 10,001

Connor Cooper medal 5313 Super Mod 2 years 364 days ago
As you rightly say, reputation increases/decreases depending on your performances in races, however, at the start of each month, every manager's reputation goes down by the following amount:
For managers with 5000+ reputation:
The gap between your reputation and 5000 is halfed. For example, 6000 reputation (+1000) gap, becomes 5500 (+500) gap.
For managers with less than 5000 reputation:
Your reputation is reset to 5000 regardless of how far away from 5000 you are.