Ray Kingsbury medal 5000 13 years 68 days ago
Basically every time u hit test run, tell us what the driver does for a lap time!

PierreAntoine Coipeault medal 5000 13 years 68 days ago
as it is practice, we could choose many parameters that could influence the strategy :
- choose the tyre compound
- choose the fuel load
- choose the driver\'s pace for the run
- choose the number of laps to run
as a result, we could have more parameters :
- fastest lap
- average pace
- fuel consumption
- tyre wear
- detailed chart with lap by lap times and sector times
well, something more than a driver feedback on the setup
of course, driver abilities could influe more on the strategy than it is right now

Marc Royster medal 5000 13 years 68 days ago
Yes - I think other then bug fixes, making practice more dynamic is probably the number one thing that can add to the game right now.
I\'m sure the devs already have an idea of the next step practice is going to take. But I think just allowing you to make a tire choice for each practice stint and then giving you a chart after each of the five practice stints (not unlike your own results for a race) will do wonders.

Ray Kingsbury medal 5000 13 years 68 days ago
Yep, would like to know how my driver is doing time wise. Could give a damn if the baby can drive it :P

Gareth Brett medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago
over the curse of the 5 practice sessions, you cold then do the stint you expect to do, and double check that your set up is correct and that you stratergy will go to plan... although, it could make races to easy and predicatble...

Ray Kingsbury medal 5000 13 years 63 days ago
I assumed that these 5 laps were more like a hotlap test tbh. Doesnt need to be 5 sessions. Maybe just 5 laps and give us an average laptime. Or atleast a meter to show us if our car is getting faster.