Daniel R medal 5000 9 years 312 days ago
One idea I was thinking that you could do is something like a singler for to get from rookie to elite and then get to join whenever completing them. Also they could pick how many races per day or how many per week.

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 310 days ago
I don't mean to be rude it's just the way I come across at times as a cheeky skitter....
I think the main reason for 1 race in 24 hours is to allow the servers to run smoothly, they would get bottle-necked trying to process all the information and the game performance would drop dramatically if it had to calculate to many races per day.
At times there is over 600 managers online think how slow your computer would be if you where running even just 50 webpages at once.
Design times, driver health, driver training, component wear levels, everything really would all have to be rewrote, reworked and reconfigured to allow such a change, it's basically creating a whole new game.
We should all sit back and enjoy what we have, let the programmers work away and get the new systems in place then we can all start doing their heads in by saying we want this we want that, they did say once the new system was in operation it would be easier for them to implement changes to the game :)