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I got kicked for what?

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medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago
Curently im right now on difrent league and im handle there well,but a couple of weekend ago someone was kicked me from other league(and leave some messege,i have read that in next day)The Message was from Douge Kuster:I will kick you out if you dont send me a screenshot of your design panel . I will give you 3 hrs to send one or your out.
he want some screen shot of my designe panel but there a couple thinking i cant understant, 1st what for he want that and 2nd how even i can do that as im not to familiar with pc's.
I prusume that he can do that as he did that already,but why some peapole will not use they brain and think that all pleayers are all around the globe?
its common sense that some playare are from Us,Uk Poland or even a Japan,so if someone give 3 houers of repalys and kick someone from league that its defintly not ok and that Kinga behevier supose to be reported?
Sorry for my English.
medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago (edited 9 years 311 days ago)
I say leave the league find find another league because it is cheating to show it because he wants to know what you guys have so that he just see ( I think(he wants to know whatever he needs to get to be better.
medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago
You should read the leagues messages!
Some leagues have their own regulations, like maximum developement status at start of the season.

So looking into the league comments I found that message (that should declare all):

New season starts tomorrow May,1st

Today, if your car is at or below 65% go ahead and send me a PM with your screenshot.

For those managers the are over 65% you need to wait till your design team is done developing parts for tomorrow (May,1st)

Thanks and Happy Racing

So to me it seems that that league don't want to have more than 80% developed cars at seasons start...
medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago (edited 9 years 311 days ago)
Curently im right now on difrent league and im handle there well,but a couple of weekend ago someone was kicked me from other league(and leave some messege,i have read that in next day)The Message was from Douge Kuster:I will kick you out if you dont send me a screenshot of your design panel . I will give you 3 hrs to send one or your out.
he want some screen shot of my designe panel but there a couple thinking i cant understant, 1st what for he want that and 2nd how even i can do that as im not to familiar with pc's.
I prusume that he can do that as he did that already,but why some peapole will not use they brain and think that all pleayers are all around the globe?
its common sense that some playare are from Us,Uk Poland or even a Japan,so if someone give 3 houers of repalys and kick someone from league that its defintly not ok and that Kinga behevier supose to be reported?
Sorry for my English.

All you had to do was send me back a PM letting me know you don't understand and I would of done my best to help you. Plus I had sent out PM's to all before the end of season 62 and you never replyed to any of my PM's I sent to you. Then the next season(63) we ran the first race and you scored points over those teams that followed our league rules so you was kicked out for not playing by the rules.
And by the way we are now more than halfway through this season(63) that started May, 1st and this is the first time I haven't heard from you.... clearly you never read the rules. We did have a 80% car development cap for the start of season 63. 2 days ago we lifted the development cap but we still have rules and here is the link to the new rules.  You are more than welcome back
medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago
¡ DO this: !

I say leave the league find find another league because it is cheating to show it because he wants to know what you guys have so that he just see ( I think(he wants to know whatever he needs to get to be better.

medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago
Read this and this is a rule!
"J. Using any unauthorised third party programs, including but not limited to "mods," "hacks," "cheats," "scripts," "bots," "trainers," and automation programs, that interact with the Software in any way, for any purpose, including, without limitation, any unauthorised third party programs that intercept, emulate, or redirect any communication between the Software and iGP Games and any unauthorised third party programs that collect information about the Game by reading areas of memory used by the Software to store information;."
I say report if it is what I think not trying to get in anyone trouble or anything.
And I love this game and that is why I choose to play this game still.

medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago
I think it's the 3 hour deadline to reply that was the biggest problem Łukasz was talking about more that anything. You should really give everyone at lest 24 hours notice about being kicked so they have time to supply you with the info you want. BTW what if someone sent you a screenshot saying 70% but it was really 100% it's easy to put new time stamp on an old image :D
medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago
He was given notice 5 days ahead of the first race of the next season plus was given the rules when he joined the league. The 3hrs was late in the day after the first race was over. He needed to have taken a screenshot of his design panel, taken from the day of our first race of the season not the next day and he scored points over all those who followed the rules.   So there for he was kicked with many warnings and many post on our league page reminding everyone...
So now 13 days later he starts this forum and has yet to sent me one PM about anything...

I'm out
medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago
Doug i got only one massage on 1st of may,that the point.
If im right now on diffrent league where i can read the regulation of that?
medal 5000
9 years 311 days ago
Łukasz, the rules were made clear and there were plenty of notices.

You must have forgotten to read the messages from Doug advising everyone to send in screen dumps of their design panel.

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