Tony Earl medal 5000 9 years 309 days ago
Over a few races now I have noticed that tyre temps seem to drop off towards the end of the tyres stint
Obviously the downside of this is times drop off as well.
The drop off seems to be rather a lot even when I have about 25% tyre life left.
Is it just me or are other managers seeing this?
If its just me, what can I do to improve the situation?

Ryan Moore medal 5000 9 years 309 days ago
25% seems to be where tires really start to drop off. And to counteract the tires starting to get cold, I usually just adjust my push level and step it up when my tires cool down towards the end of a stint.

Jason Chen medal 5000 9 years 309 days ago
The tyres start cooling faster once it has less than 50% tyre life. After that the cooling rate accelerates.

Tony Earl medal 5000 9 years 308 days ago
Thanks for the input,
Wasn't sure if I was reading it right, does seem like you have to up the pace a lot to keep the temps up