James Hebert medal 5857 2 years 326 days ago
I had a league mate, indeed the host, tell me that 101lb female drivers no longer have any advantage over 112lb male drivers. I don't see this in the forums anywhere. Can anybody confirm this or shoot it down? I have a new female driver and don't want to train her below 112lbs if there is no point. She needs mental work also, everything else is 20's. Thx for clarification.

Beer Boys medal 5000 2 years 325 days ago
True..the weight advantage attribute has been switched off

Skid Solo medal 5240 2 years 325 days ago
It was announced in several threads and is only temporary until a new weight system is introduced. They have turned off all weight so atm doesn’t matter what a driver weighs. Next system is likely to be based on BMI, but no info on when it will be introduced.

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 2 years 325 days ago
The iGP team have confirmed that driver weight is currently disabled.
So it's not just a case of female drivers not having an advantage, there is no weight effect at all. This means that your soon to retire 46kg marathon running driver has no advantage over a 168cm 95kg youngster who spent their youth dodging gym classes and pigging out out on junk food
Having said that, I would still recommend reducing driver weight to minimum as one of the first things to do with any new high talent driver because if the Devs choose to turn weight back on it takes forever to reduce driver weight once he/she is at a high level / star rating.