Ben Whitehead medal 5000 9 years 304 days ago
Just to ask everyone, what do the skill levels of your department heads and staff actually do in the game? I know this is a "Noob" question, but i wanted to be sure that making sure i have the best staff actually helps in some way :)
Thank you

Sid Kumar medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
if your designers are more skilled for example your car will develop faster similarly with the driver. higher skill level=generally better driver. The higher level of technical director the better he is at making strategy calls eg how many pit stops but you can ignore him if you like and make your own strategies. The higher skilled level of technical director will not make mistakes on aprox fuel calculation

I B medal 5160 9 years 300 days ago
If your design dept isn't skilled enough then you can't develop to 100% (on the design page, top right it tells you the max possible for your current level)
Commercial skills makes no difference.
Doctor is believed to slow down the rate which your drivers deteriorate between races (not sure if it's actually true)
I'd advise ignoring any advice from your technical director no matter what his skill level is, for fuel consumption look at what you actually used in previous seasons and go from there. For pitstops, as a guide, look at what worked for other players in different seasons/tiers. China was wet but if you look back to Malaysia the winners in pro and elite were on 6 stops (we're in the same league)
I use the auto sign for technical director and commercial so they're level 2 and only cost 1,000 per race each as I don't believe there is any benefit to having them more skilled,

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 300 days ago
The info the technical director tells you is based on the hard compound tyres, there should be a tyre select and update director info buttons added.
As for the staff I don't think it matters what their level is long as they have 20 for experience, even then that doesn't seem to matter too much when it comes to technical director.
My old level 7 tech with 15 experience said exactly the same as the new level 14 tech with 20 experience is telling me.

H Edwards medal 5000 9 years 299 days ago
I guess I have been lucky then.My level 2 Tech Director has never been wrong, though lacks imagination with how many stinits to do LOL