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Wet quick race tyres

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medal 5000
2 years 315 days ago
What did you try to do?
Select a different compound tyre Ss or s or H

What happened instead?
Always sets to M regardless

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Redmi note 5g

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?
NA phone is fully updated and problem arrived today but was okay yesterday

Can the bug be reproduced?
Yes...just do a public race

Additional comments:
medal 5466 Super Mod
2 years 315 days ago

This issue has been escalated to the developers. Sorry for any inconvenience it has caused.
medal 5001
2 years 312 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 2 years 312 days ago)
Cosa hai provato a fare?
Quick race in france, I planned to use wet tyres

Cosa è successo invece?
All of the 5 cars on the grid had medium tyres. During the countdown 2 car switched to wet tyres.

It's not possible to change tyres on the track before the start. Therefore I suppose this is a bug. I cannot  imagine 5 players doing the same mistake. I choose wet tyres, I'm sure.

Il problema si è verificato durante l'utilizzo di dati Wi-Fi, mobili o entrambi?

Il problema si è verificato nell'App, sul PC o in entrambi?

Qual è il modello del tuo dispositivo?
Xiaomi Redmi 4X 4G

Qual è il sistema operativo?

Qual è il numero di versione del sistema operativo?

Quale sistema operativo ha il tuo PC?

In quale browser hai riscontrato il problema?

Può essere riprodotto il bug?
I don't know

Commenti addizionali:
I hope this won't happen during a league race.

It happened again, quick race in Singapore, Rain.
This time my car has wet tyres in standings but medium tyres in temperature indicator. 
During first lap my car behaved like with medium tyres after the first lap like with wet tyres.

I strongly hope it won't rain during league races.
medal 5000
2 years 312 days ago
Any news? Still the same
medal 5466 Super Mod
2 years 312 days ago (Last edited by Connor Cooper 2 years 312 days ago)
I've merged two threads relating to the same issue.

Over the last few days the developers have working on a few issues relating to the league rules update, so they haven't had chance to work on this problem.
I will update this thread once the developers have fixed the issue. 

Once again, I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

An edit in response to an edit of a previous post - This issue is only being reported for quick races - the chance of it happening in a league race appear to be low. 
medal 5000
2 years 312 days ago (Last edited by Matteo De Luca 2 years 312 days ago)
Cosa hai provato a fare?
I set up a quick race in Italy with S and 14 laps of fuel

Cosa è successo invece?
The race started with mediums and with the wrong amount of fuel (on this last one I’m not completely sure)

Il problema si è verificato durante l'utilizzo di dati Wi-Fi, mobili o entrambi?
Mobile data

Il problema si è verificato nell'App, sul PC o in entrambi?

Qual è il modello del tuo dispositivo?
iPhone SE

Qual è il sistema operativo?

Qual è il numero di versione del sistema operativo?

Può essere riprodotto il bug?
I don’t know

Commenti addizionali:
I’m not very expert in quick races, but I presume this is a bug…
medal 5000
2 years 312 days ago
I’m sorry, I haven’t seen this topic. My apologies.
medal 5466 Super Mod
2 years 312 days ago
No problem. I merged them all together.

It's better to have multiple reports of the same issue than no reports at all. :)
medal 4694
2 years 311 days ago
Same For me...
Whatever you select before start of the race It Will turn in standard setup ( Always medium tyres and standard fuel)

Very bad :( 

Hope they Will improve soon like It was before
medal 5000
2 years 310 days ago
Hi guys! I have the same problem. No matter how many Quick races you go, always mediums with wrong fuel no matter what ive selected before qualy. This bug has only happened in Quick races, league races work fine. Thank you! And maybe devs you could disable engine and parts usage on Quick races. Almost no one play Quick because of this, saving parts and engines for their leagues. Maybe use only driver health but please, losing engine and parts is unacceptable for encouraging people to run Quick races. Please devs, make the game funier.
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 309 days ago
This has just been fixed, it was a silly typo in a file that wasn't picked up during testing. Thanks for reporting it.
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