Skid Solo medal 5295 2 years 327 days ago (Last edited by
Skid Solo 2 years 327 days ago)
Hello, my thought is on changing when we see changes in development. Right now, whenever we add points, everyone immediately sees where they are added and can change their research to take advantage of it. Which in turn makes everyone trying to wait until the last minute to add points right before the race. Which to me is equivalent to having people spying inside everyone's factory to get a gain for the next season. I think it would be better to wait and see changes in development after each race, like seeing changes on the car after it was brought to the track. I think it would add some more thought to where I should research. And if I chose a place of development that was added to I'd gain research, but if not I missed out that race. Thoughts?
You want to conceal the assignment of design points prior to race, am I right?
Cause imo that could work as a league option, something like ‘hidden development’. I’d like that personally as it would take away the last minute stress and adds to realism.
Others might disagree and see the current system as an essential game feature so making it a league option seems best
I’d disagree with hidden development. Also the op considers it spying, that is exactly what the research function is designed to be so everything is working as intended.
@Israel Lentz please read Kevin Bissell’s Chassis Design guide in the Help & Support section which explains this.
Also, I would argue that leaving the allocation of DP to last minute is a poor way of designing your car. It is much more optimal to plan your design strategy in advance based on the race calendar
Having an option for league hosts to hide development is fine in theory but does anyone give a thought to the Devs? It would be impossible to add all the options that managers ask for.