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Basically Nothing Working Properly

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medal 5855
2 years 309 days ago (Last edited by Pete Harper 2 years 308 days ago)
What did you try to do?
My league has been running the 'no pit stops' and 'bonus point' options since starting a new season three nights ago.  All three races we've had so far have been a complete farce.

What happened instead?
During the live race, KERS stops working after a while - the button is there and it shows a percentage, it can be pressed and tge icon comes up over the car but theres no increase in speed and the percentage does not come down.  

Not being able to change tyre selection or pit manually - in our first race if the season, practice was in the wet but the race was dry.  Most players changed their strategy prior to the race and had dry tyres fitted at stops but towards the end at least one (very experienced) player had one car go to wets on a dry track.  Players reported they wanted to change strategies during the race, to undercut or overcut and they weren't being allowed to pit.

Scheduled pit stops not happening - in last nights race, I know I set my strategy in a 69 lap race to 15, 15, 15, 12, 13 (so as not to risk a stop on the final lap instead of crossingbthe line).  What actually happened was something like 15, 16, 17, the end. I'm on a Samsung S10 on Android.

Push levels not working properly - about two thirds into last nights race, someone reported in live chat that push levels weren't really affecting tyre temps.  I tested it myself, I was on soft and push level 2 gave a steady temp earlier in the race, anything more and they would overheat.  I went to push level 5 for the remaining 20+ laps and temps hardly moved.


Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Probably most of them.

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

What operating system is your PC?
The main one.

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
The one with the one.

Can the bug be reproduced?
Three nights its been terribke.

Additional comments:
Please sort.
medal 5657 Community Manager
2 years 309 days ago
Hello Pete,

Thanks for reaching out for your issue. In order to help you please edit your topic and fill with the required basic information. Thank you!
medal 5855
2 years 308 days ago
Hi Jose, thanks.

I'm not sure what else to put really.  Its being experienced by all users (in Elite at least) so I imagine its across multiple platforms and browsers etc.  

I shall add that I'm talking about during a live race but otherwise I'm unsure how to continue.
medal 5657 Community Manager
2 years 308 days ago
Hello Pete,

It looks like someone in the league isn't using the latest available version. If a manager joins a race which uses any of the new league rules it'll corrupt the race for everyone.
medal 5855
2 years 308 days ago (Last edited by Pete Harper 2 years 308 days ago)
Ok thanks, will make that known and come back. Cheers!


So after tonights race, KERS was working and canceling a pit stop was working.  However...

- once a scheduled pit stop was cancelled, it then had to be cancelled EVERY SINGLE LAP, otherwise the car would want to come in.  I came out of the live race ans went back in and it was the same.  I did not restart the app.  Another manager said the same happened for them.

- more importantly, one of my drivers started on the wrong fuel load, approx 10 laps less fuel than was set.  This car was super fast compared to other driver, went off and lapped his teammate (usually very close on track) and then retired from lack of fuel.  Same happpened with 6 or 7 other cars - rapid pace, retired running out of fuel.  Looking at the race report, my car shows starting with the correct amount of fuel but the level is then dramatically lower at the end of the first lap.

- at least one (very experienced) manager had one of their cars tyre choice changed at the start of the race.  It was a wet race and should have started on full wets.  One car did, the other car was on inters. They had to pit on the first lap and ended losing a 1-2 result.

Please advise.
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