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Car not pitting on the exact lap as set in a no refuel race(offline league)

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medal 5000
2 years 304 days ago
What did you try to do?
I set the car to pit on lap 7,17,27,37

What happened instead?
the car pit on 7,18,29,40

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Mozilla Firefox

Can the bug be reproduced?
it happened in the previous race at Belgium as well.

Additional comments:
the bug happened in today's race at Azerbaijan. i have attached a screenshot of my saved strategy as well.

FYI this is a offline league
medal 5657 Community Manager
2 years 304 days ago
Hello KP,

It’s a known issue related to the pit slot position. We’re working hard to fix it. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
medal 5000
2 years 304 days ago
Hello Jose,

Could you tell me whether its track specific or account specific?

if so it would help me plan the pits accordingly taking the bug into account
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 303 days ago
Hi KP, since we haven't had any other reports, it currently seems related to this track or perhaps even your race, as opposed to being a wider issue.

We understand the cause, it was identified during testing that when no-refuelling rule is enforced and lap counts instead of fuel amounts set stint lengths, cars that pit in garages after the finish line were behaving as you described. As a temporary workaround we currently allocate all cars to pit in to garages located before the finish line. These tracks may have been set up too close to the wire, I can see that you were allocated to the last garage expected to be before the finish line.

I've just been trying some test races on Azerbaijan and cannot replicate this, but as a precaution, I have now moved the garages that people are allowed to use back by one.

tl;dr: I would hope it is fixed now but we will monitor for new reports. It requires no action on your part.
medal 5000
2 years 303 days ago
Hey Jack,

others in the league are also facing same issue. the issue has happened in 3 races so far. Australia, Belgium and Azerbaijan as i already mentioned.

Hopefully it is fixed,just wanted to let you know.
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 303 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 2 years 303 days ago)
Hey Jack,

others in the league are also facing same issue. the issue has happened in 3 races so far. Australia, Belgium and Azerbaijan as i already mentioned.

Hopefully it is fixed,just wanted to let you know.

That's actually a good thing, because it's consistent. I think we allocated 1 garage too many, and the last slot was having this issue. All tracks were reduced by -1 garage slot as of my post above.

FYI the behaviour does not show up in the QA process. However, from my reading of the code, internally I had raised the alarm that I was actually expecting the behaviour you reported, and not what the QA tests were showing. So I was ready with the solution as soon as I saw your report. I'll need to check why it behaves differently in the QA process. It's an internal system we have for rapidly testing races on all tracks to ensure they are working as expected.
medal 5000
2 years 303 days ago
Hey Jack,

thanks for the quick fix, the issue is resolved now
medal 5000
2 years 302 days ago
Hello Jack,

The bug happened again in today's race at china
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 302 days ago

Hello Jack,

The bug happened again in today's race at china

This may be a process of elimination - I've reduced the available garages by a further -1 on China and will have that track looked in to. Thanks for keeping us posted and sorry for the experience you've had, I apprecaite your patience.
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