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No tire changing before race start

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medal 5000
2 years 305 days ago
Was hast du versucht zu tun?
18 minutes before start of the race in russia, the weather had changed from rain to cloudy. I have changed my setup to intermediate and the fuel to 122 Liter.

Was ist stattdessen passiert?
3 minutes before the start of the race the wetness has dropped to 0,7. I wanted to change the inter tires to dry tires before the start of the race. The game view only showed inter and rain tires. No dry tires!
Other managers in the same race also had this problem.
My next problem was the tank. Instead of the preset 122 liters, I had 140 liters.

When I log in, I get the preview image in which version 4.101 is specified.

Passierte das Problem, während du W-Lan, Mobile Daten oder beides genutzt hast?

Ist dieser Fehler in der App, auf dem PC oder bei beidem aufgetreten?

Welches Gerät?
Huawei Mate 20 Pro

Welches Betriebssystem?

Auf welcher Version ist dein Betriebssystem?
Emoi 12.0.0

Kann der Fehler wiederholt werden?
Don't know, i didn't tried it.

Zusätzlicher Kommentar:
medal 5075 Super Mod
2 years 305 days ago
If the track is wet, before the race begins you may change your tyres on the grid. The tyre compounds you can choose from are either of the wet compounds or the tyres you selected for stint 1 in the main strategy. In your case you selected Inters for stint 1 so that was why you did not have a dry compound available in the selection.

Think about it, which of the 4 dry compounds did you expect to be made available to you? If you want the possibility to switch to dry tyres on the grid you must choose the compound you want as an option and set it for stint 1 of the main strategy BEFORE qualifying lockdown.

This exact issue has previously been raised on a number of occasions, it is not a bug.

The excess fuel is a different issue. This should not happen, I will escalate to the Devs.
medal 5000
2 years 305 days ago

Was hast du versucht zu tun?
18 minutes before start of the race in russia, the weather had changed from rain to cloudy. I have changed my setup to intermediate and the fuel to 122 Liter.

Was ist stattdessen passiert?
3 minutes before the start of the race the wetness has dropped to 0,7. I wanted to change the inter tires to dry tires before the start of the race. The game view only showed inter and rain tires. No dry tires!
Other managers in the same race also had this problem.
My next problem was the tank. Instead of the preset 122 liters, I had 140 liters.

When I log in, I get the preview image in which version 4.101 is specified.

Passierte das Problem, während du W-Lan, Mobile Daten oder beides genutzt hast?

Ist dieser Fehler in der App, auf dem PC oder bei beidem aufgetreten?

Welches Gerät?
Huawei Mate 20 Pro

Welches Betriebssystem?

Auf welcher Version ist dein Betriebssystem?
Emoi 12.0.0

Kann der Fehler wiederholt werden?
Don't know, i didn't tried it.

Zusätzlicher Kommentar:

Please read this :
medal 5000
2 years 305 days ago
I'm sorry.
Don't know if I understood it correctly.
In order to have all tire types to choose on the starting grid before the start of the race, you have to use dry tires in the strategy in the first stint and intermediates in the bottom field in the advanced settings. Is that correct? Is that the only way? 
medal 5075 Super Mod
2 years 305 days ago
When you attend the race and the track is wet you have the opportunity to select the tyre on which you start the race.

The three tyre compounds available to you are:

  1. Full Wet

  2. Inters

  3. Tyres selected for stint 1 in the main strategy

If you selected Inters or Wets for the first stint in the main strategy this means that the third option (in the above list) is the same as either option 1 or option 2. In other words you must select one of the dry tyres for your first stint in the main strategy if you want this to be available as option 3.

What you do with the two advanced strategy settings very much depends on weather conditions and depth of water just before the qualifying locks down.

medal 5000
2 years 305 days ago
I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understood correcly how it works...
Can you give me an example, please?

If there is water on track, like 0.4mm, right before quali begins and I expect rain coming before race starts, if I put in the main strategy a dry compound I will do the quali with dry tyres and on the grid I'll be allowed to change to Intermediate or Wet tyres, right?
If it stops raining but there is still water on track before quali, like 1.5mm, and I don't expect rain before race starts, I understood I have to put in the first stint of the main strategy the dry compound in order to be able to choose between dry and wet tyres on the grid but I didn't understand how to choose the options in the advanced strategy.
Thanks in advance
medal 5075 Super Mod
2 years 304 days ago
If you put a dry compound in your main strategy and set advanced strategy to "Inters if water level > 0mm" you should qualify on Inters if the track is wet. Then you have the option to switch to the dry compound if the track is dry enough.

Remember, if you are attending the race you are only using Advanced Strategy to try and use the correct qualifying tyre because as soon as you enter the race the Advanced Strategy is disabled.
medal 5000
2 years 304 days ago
Ok, thanks for the answer. Just another thing: what about the second options in advanced strategy? I still can't figure out what it refers to in quali.
medal 5075 Super Mod
2 years 304 days ago
I don't think the second option will ever kick in for qualifying. It's required to instruct the team what to do if the rain stops during the race. It is necessary for off-line managers but will not be activated for managers who are on-line because as I said earlier the AS and AI (auto-boost) is disabled as soon as you enter the race viewer.
medal 5000
2 years 304 days ago
Understood, thanks a lot :)
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