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Incorrect fuel level when doing advanced strategy for non-refueling league

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medal 5299
2 years 290 days ago
Cosa hai provato a fare?
I set in the advanced strategy the right level of fuel that I want for the race.

Cosa è successo invece?
When I go into the race the fuel was reset. And I start with 10 litres more that I want.

Il problema si è verificato durante l'utilizzo di dati Wi-Fi, mobili o entrambi?
Mobile data

Il problema si è verificato nell'App, sul PC o in entrambi?

Qual è il modello del tuo dispositivo?
Redmi note 9 Pro

Qual è il sistema operativo?

Qual è il numero di versione del sistema operativo?

Può essere riprodotto il bug?
I don't know. This is the first time that happen to me.

Commenti addizionali:
medal 4987 Moderator
2 years 290 days ago
Hi, I'm sorry to hear you encountered problems. By any chance do you remember if you did some more practice laps after setting the fuel amount? It's known but yet to be fixed that the fuel recalculation after practice laps can trigger such a reset so it would help if it's the same cause.
medal 5299
2 years 289 days ago

Hi, I'm sorry to hear you encountered problems. By any chance do you remember if you did some more practice laps after setting the fuel amount? It's known but yet to be fixed that the fuel recalculation after practice laps can trigger such a reset so it would help if it's the same cause.

Hi Frank, 

Yes, I think I do one or two lap after I setting the advanced strategy. With the same tire (W) like the first 2 practice laps. And I have the same result of lap fuel and almost the same for the pace. 
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