Looking at your last race in Japan... your strategy was pretty good for Rookie tier BUT... looking deeply at your timechart you always did first 2 laps of each stint very fast and then your laptimes drop off badly. This is a clear evidence that you select a wrong push level which burn your tyres on fire very soon in the stint and you struggle with them overheated for the rest of it.
I cannot seem to load the live view window. Just says "connecting" for a long time.
Thanks for having a look. I'll turn down the push level to 1 and see how that works.
Can you add more than 5 stints. My races go for 100 minutes. Brazil for example is 71 laps. If I wish to use soft tires for all stints, I should be looking at 6-7 stops.
I looked at your race result too, and Angelo is right. You were overheating a lot which is why you were so fast during the first few laps of a stint.
Don't put the push level down all the way to 1 though. Level 2 (Be strategic and play it safe on the next race tab) is good for the high tyre wear circuits and level 3 is good for low circuits. Only Monaco is an exception, the optimum push level would be 4 or 5, depending on your tyre choice.