Tyler McCarthy medal 5000 2 years 246 days ago
News tracks:
Miami, Imola, Portugal, Las Vegas, and more.
Extended Schedule:
Instead of having a 22 race limit allow so that leagues can use as many of the tracks as they want.
Improved Livery Editor:
Just add more possible scheme designs
More Sponsors:
In my opinion the current Sponsors is too small of a selection. There needs to be more like Gokki (Gucci) or DMM (CNN)

Ducluuvn Ducluuvn medal 5043 2 years 246 days ago
At the moment you are delusional that the game has those things (but maybe possible?)
but if there's a Portugal track I'll ask for an Esptoli track (sorry I don't know the track name) and Vietnam track Circuit go go GOOOOOO!!

Dario Jp medal 5720 2 years 245 days ago
New tracks are always a good idea but you can easily get carried away with ppl asking for every track under the sun.
What would be cool if Igp made just one custom track