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Practice and qualyfing

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medal 5163
2 years 228 days ago
¿Qué has intentado hacer?
big time difference between laps

¿Qué es lo que ocurrió?
Theres something really strange about the practice and qualyfing laps, its non sense that making the best lap on practices, then on qualyfing being on the position 29 of 32 cars with a gap of .600 to the best qualified of the same compound, and thats something that is not the first time that happen to me, i dont have a bad driver or a bad car design, so whats going on? whats the point of making big efforts to start every single time on last positions, theres several months that is happening.

¿El problema ocurrió mientras usaba wi-fi, datos móviles o ambos?

¿El error se produjo en la app, en PC o en ambos?

¿Qué sistema operativo posee su PC?

¿En qué navegador ha experimentado el problema?

¿Se puede reproducir el error?
every race

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