I have managed 2 tyre rule in the past as a host at a time when league rules were not active. It’s darn complicated to communicate a clear set of rules on changing weather I can tell you this much. Keep in mind English is not everyone’s mother tongue.
Back in the day I did exactly the same as the rule is now, 2 tyre rule stands, always, only situation where it doesn’t is when there’s rain or snow falling down during the race.
It’s just too complicated to do something else, believe me. When is a track dry, when not, during quali, during race, what amount of mm, those are hard decisions. And even harder to explain to those who don’t fluently speak English.
That’s why I like the rule, yes weather will always cause niche situations but it’s better to have a clear rule which doesn’t cover every single situation then have a complete rule which is too complex to explain
Isn’t that exactly the issue with this current rule? There can be doubt as to whether your race is dry or wet. Considering a race where you race on a wet track as a dry race isn’t a natural thought process. And it’s difficult to pick out the 2 dry compound stipulation. I completely missed it although I’m probably not the best sample to go by ?
To me it would be much simpler to say use at least 2 dry compounds or 1 wet one. Take weather conditions out of the picture completely.
I’ve run two tyre rule leagues before league rules came in also and that was the rule we used. Never had issues with it that i recall but I would really have struggled to explain having to use 2 dry compounds if the track was wet but it never rained during the race.
I think I can see what you mean though. By nature a hard and fast single rule is simpler than an either / or clause.