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Don't save the game my settings of Leage Rules when I create a new League

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medal 5000
2 years 218 days ago (Last edited by Barna Fodor 2 years 218 days ago)
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Another profile

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Yes, with another profile happened this

További hozzászólások:
It would be very nice, if we can set the League Rules 1 day before the start of season, thus avoiding problems related to accidental early or bad saves
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 218 days ago
The fact you have to set the rules before the season generates is not a bug. 

You are asking that the season can be edited after generation which seems to be a suggestion so I will move it to the appropriate sub-forum.
medal 5000
2 years 218 days ago

The fact you have to set the rules before the season generates is not a bug. 

You are asking that the season can be edited after generation which seems to be a suggestion so I will move it to the appropriate sub-forum.

What I wrote is a bug, only I wrote in a comment how I think the bug can be avoided, so it may seem like a suggestion, but if there is no bug, then the suggestion is irrelevant.

Except for the competition calendar, which then I transcribe into a Suggestion.

medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 218 days ago
Sorry, maybe it's lost in translation but it's almost impossible to understand what bug you're reporting from what you have written.

What exactly is the problem and for which account does the problem exist?

When submitting a bug report please follow these guidelines... Read Here To Report Bugs!
medal 5000
2 years 218 days ago
I read and understood the linked post and tried to write my bug report based on this.

If there is the problem with the translation, I will try to rewrite it a little differently:

I created a League "Próba Liga" with a profile, and i set the League Rules to non-refueling, 2-tyre-Rule, fastest lap plus pont, but when i try save the settings, the league was created with general League Rule-settings.

Then I tried to create a league" Tesztelő Liga" with this profile and with with the same settings, but the result was the same.
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 218 days ago
Thank you, now it makes sense to me. It is known that in the first season a league is different from any of the subsequent seasons:

The design for all teams joining the league is set to a very low value
You can't select the circuits or the order in which they are run
The first season is always 15 races long
None of the three Host selected rules are applied

I agree that the fact you are able to select the rules when creating the league suggests that they should be available in the first season. This thread has been shared internally with the IGP Staff.

Edit. In light of this information I will move the thread back to the Bugs section.
medal 5000
2 years 213 days ago
What did you try to do?
I started my own league with settings of no refueling, two-tire strategy, fastest lap bonus and promotion and relegation.

What happened instead?
But the settings went to only promotion and relegation and also with refueling enabled which is disabled initially when I created. So Now the league has settings which are not my input initially...

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?

Which browser did you experience the problem in?

Can the bug be reproduced?
I don't know... But should be reproduced when you create the new league...

Additional comments:
medal 5144 Super Mod
2 years 213 days ago
This was already reported a couple of days ago, it is not possible to enable any of the rules in the first season of a new league.

I will merge this thread with the previous one and escalate again to the developers.

medal 5000
2 years 213 days ago
Thanks for the info kevin... I thought it was possible as I never read it anywhere... But thanks for informing me...
This was already reported a couple of days ago, it is not possible to enable any of the rules in the first season of a new league.

I will merge this thread with the previous one and escalate again to the developers.


medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 213 days ago
This was actually a bug! I didn't realise this was happening, but it was an incorrect variable reference in the code. Apologies to the affected leagues and the mods who had to clean up the mess.

This should work from now on, when you make a league the rules will be applied on the first season.
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