SA AS medal 5000 9 years 214 days ago
Should be very important because for the moment when use Subtotal (economy 9) and Rednote (enconomy 8) I just load -0,2L per laps. So use suppliers with good economy indicators very stupid idea, just lose seconds during races.

John Doe medal 5000 9 years 214 days ago
When just using engine and fuel suppliers it's always a guess how the fuel consumption will work out. The technical director gives a indication but it's not more than just that. When you stick to suppliers, for the next season you can look back at your results and see what the actual consumption on each track was.

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 212 days ago
Every Tech is different, they can sometimes tell you less than you really need.
So don't always think they are telling you more, it all comes down to their experience level.
1-6 under-fuelled 7-12 is spot on 13-20 over-fuelled.
Depending on track & supplier combination the amount of fuel used by a good economy engine can be 1.8 litres less than that of a poor economy engine.
Subtotal & Rednote I have tried didn't like it had no va-va voom. Elves & Rednote was better I found.
For me Response wrote on the engine is just a fancy way of saying Performance.
Everyone has their own opinion & the game caters for this with covering all aspects.
Performance lovers
Balance lovers (me)
Economy lovers

SA AS medal 5000 9 years 212 days ago
Economy lover and save the world, I use less fuel!

SA AS medal 5000 9 years 212 days ago
By the way I use Rednote and Subtotal because they from france !

James Greer medal 5000 9 years 212 days ago
:) Those are a nice combo have you tried any other fuel with the rednote?

Paul Peters medal 5000 9 years 211 days ago
Rednote, Seashell and Bridgerock work for me i take off 3 litres per stint in a 50% race