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Cant join a league

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medal 5005
2 years 185 days ago (Last edited by Bonzo Dog 2 years 185 days ago)
What did you try to do?
Join a league

What happened instead?
Filters not working. I tried every combination for a league that runs at 8.00pm nothing shows.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?
Widows 10

Which browser did you experience the problem in?

Can the bug be reproduced?

Additional comments:
I have found a league that fits my requirements the league ID is 55261 but I cant join.
medal 5267 Super Mod
2 years 185 days ago
Hello and welcome to iGP Manager,

I have just taken a quick look at league 55261 and at the time of sending, it has 16/16 managers in the Rookie tier. If a tier is full, you will not be able to join. 
In this case, you could try sending the league host an in-game mail to see if they are able to remove another manager to make space for you. 
This is the same reason that the league you mentioned did not show up on the league filter - 2 car leagues must have a maximum of 14 managers to show up on the filter. As league #55261 has 16 managers, it does not meet this requirement. 

As this is not a bug, I will move the thread to the Help &Support subforum, however please let me know if you feel this is incorrect.

I hope this helps to solve your issue. 
medal 5005
2 years 184 days ago
Thanks for the explanation.
medal 5073
2 years 184 days ago
F1 International is always open to new managers. Two car league with 100% race distance. It races on Saturday and Sunday at 8 am.
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