I B medal 5160 9 years 210 days ago
When linked strategy was clicked the right hand driver setup was greyed out (as it should) I changed fuel loads and tyres for the following stint and the fuel was added correctly at the next stop but only the left hand driver changed to the correct tyre.
I had 3 teams in the race running on different browsers (ie/firefox/opera) all 3 did the same thing.
Stops were changed from 29 and SS to 45 and S. After the stop 3 drivers were on 45 SS and 3 on 45 S.

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 9 years 210 days ago
I remember having this less than 2 months ago.
Also decided to use the linked strategy but the 2nd driver just kept following his original strategy instead of the linked one which I changed. Believe it was during a race where rain came in so then you're faced with a 2nd drier that just fits dry tyres again.
Know it used to work but as I rarely use the function, don't know when it stopped working.