David Năndrean medal 5000 9 years 191 days ago
Hi! I am new here and I started racing the day before yesterday, so I already had 2 races and in the last one I was able to score my first points and I'm quite happy because of that. My only problem is that in the all of the races I had tyre punctures and I dropped back really bad, like from the 2nd to the 9th place. My driver doesn't come to pit when his tyres are really used and waits until the pucture. I can't be there on all races to call him inside the pit, so does anyone know how to fix it?
PS: He comes in when he is runnning out of fuel

Aaron Lynch medal 5000 9 years 191 days ago
Fuel your car less so it runs out before the tyres do. Either that, or be there for the races.

Cole Trickle medal 5000 9 years 190 days ago
The last 2 or 3 laps before puncture shall not be taken anyway, since tyres drop off significantly when under 20%. To make ur driver pit at the right time, fuel has got to be the reason for him to pit. To know beforehand when 20% is reached is difficult. Obviously u are lacking data from previous season. So, with time, u get the much needed info.
In the mean time, u may listen to ur TD and his strategy advice. If TD chooses Mediums as the default tyre and suggests a 2 stop strat, going with softs on 2 stops is risky.
Most of the time, u are fine, since TD is way to conservative. But until u known better, stick with TD advice.
If that seems way to boring to u, make ur own guess. Consider weather, fuel consumption and tyre wear for a given track. Compare it to recent results. Make ur cunclusions.
Oh, and btw, as a newbie, U HAVE TO BE ONLINE DURING RACES!!!!!!
U have to learn which push level is right to keep ur tyres at the right temp. U only get this info if u attend races!

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 9 years 190 days ago
Also a good option is to check the strategies of the previous seasons. You can see the amount of laps done per stint and the tyres used. If you use that and go with the lowest push level available, thats also pretty much a guarantee you will be ok. To be even more sure, look at the strategies done in the Pro and Elite tier since they are having the better strategies usually.

Šime Mrkić medal 5000 9 years 189 days ago
as a newbie you must attend races.. that is very important and it will get you started into the game pretty quickly :) btw fuel your car less, so you can come to pit before you ran out of tires